پەیوەندی بكە: 07507613136 | ئیمەیل: info@emmaorg.me

Conducting a seminar on violence against women

ئەم بابەتە بڵاوبكەوە:
داکۆکی, هەولێر, هاوكاری, هەواڵ, نوێکراوەتەوە,

Conducting a seminar on violence against women
On March 29, 2023, in Bahrka village, Emma organization, in collaboration with Medica Mondial, held a seminar for refugee women, women of local community, on the law to combat domestic violence, introduction to the hotline 119 of the Directorate for Combating Violence against Women. The seminar was taught by trainer: Payraw Anwar.

بڵاوكراوەتەوە لە لایەن Emma Organization
Emma Organization for Human Development was founded in 2013 by three female activists with a vision to advance the role of women in society, promote gender equality and empower women in Kurdistan. “Emma” is a Kurdish term meaning (WE) and is the concept by which this organization functions as a unit working together as "One Team" from different cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs to achieve goals and rebuild lives.

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